History of M.E.L.S.A

Some history about our club


MESLA Rockhampton was orginally founded in the early 1980's on the same site that we meet in today. Our first track was a temporary circle of track. But before long and many hours of hard work by our founding members our first permanent track was finished in 1983. It could run 3.5' and 5' trains. Our orginal track still remains today and can be found in the middle of the park. It is currently used as a testing track.

Growing Support

Now with a permanent track and the word getting out that there are mini trains running in the park public support had started to grow and so did the track. With the public's support the club started work on a larger, bigger track to run the trains on. With working bee's starting at dawn, some times even eariler and work continuing to the late hour of the night, our members had completed their second track, which is the one that is still in use today.

Recent Years

In recent years public support has slowed down, but that hasn't derailed us from completing smaller projects like the cover over our station area and the cover over our steaming bays. Our club is still steaming ahead and doesn't show any signs of slowing down soon.

Year founded:

MESLA Rockhampton was founded in the early 1980's.


MESLA Rockhampton still meets in its orginal location in Leichharhdt Park, Rockhampton.


The track that we currently run on is not our orginal track. Our first permanent track can be found in the middle of the park.